Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

"The Dark Knight Rises" unveils action-packed trailer

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A new trailer for "The Dark Knight Rises" has arrived. Moviegoers who saw certain IMAX screenings of "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," were treated to a six-minute prologue of Christopher Nolan's new Batman film, but those who saw it on standard screens still got to see the latest teaser. The clip opens on a young boy singing the national anthem at a football game, as the villain Bane (Tom Hardy) wreaks mayhem at the stadium. It also ...
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Philippines flood death toll nears 1,000

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The Philippine government shipped more than 400 coffins Tuesday to two flood-stricken cities in the south where the death toll neared 1,000 as President Benigno Aquino III declared a state of national calamity and relief agencies rushed to help. The latest count listed 957 dead and 49 missing and is set to climb further as additional bodies are being recovered from the sea and mud in Iligan and Cagayan de Oro cities. CBS News' Barnaby Lo reports ...
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10 Tricks for you to Learning Effective

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Some might believe that success in learning comes into its own. Nothing wrong with it, when there is success in his studies, but he did not look very hard effort. However, most students actually achieve success by developing and applying effective study habits? Well, 10 the following trick might be a guide for you who is looking for the best way of learning. 1. Do not try to impose learn in one session Typically, successful students always take ...
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The death of Kim Jong-Il Worrying World

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The death of North Korean leader, Kim Jong-Il, has sent shock waves throughout the world. But analysts play down fears of turbulence in the nuclear-armed country. They say, a well-planned succession is underway there. The official announcement on Monday (12/19/2011) in North Korean media, which revealed Kim's death two days earlier at age 69, according to some analysts, makes clear that his youngest son who was also his successor is Jong-Un had ...
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There Dog Tracking Money in Argentina

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Dogs to sniff out drugs is not new. However, in Argentina there are forces capable of sniffing dog who saved money in the suitcase. Argentina has 300 dogs with that capability. They are deployed in the border country. Task type dogs and Labrador retrievers sniffed the money that is not reported to the immigration. What they are sniffing a banknote ink. Last week, special forces found the cash amount is U.S. $ 30,000 hidden in the spare tire of ...
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7 Main Causes of Failure in Business

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"80% of businesses fail in the second year and 80% were experiencing a failure in the fifth year" (Michael E. Gerber) Very surprising results of a survey conducted by Michael E. Gerbertentang new businesses that have failed in his second year as much as 80%. Whether your business is 20% of it? Surely you are at the level of success. As a business owner, you must know what the cause of failure in business, so we must anticipate and make your business ...
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Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Trio boss of Google Have 8 Personal Aircraft?

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Private plane owned by the leaders of Google's always controversy. As quoted from TechCrunch, trio leader Google, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt, is rumored to increase the number of total private plane into eight pieces. As reported previously, they will also pay 33 million dollars to repair Hangar One, an aircraft hangar that was built in 1930. Hangar One is located just a few kilometers from the Googleplex, is planned to be demolished, ...
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Video "Secret Life" of Steve Jobs appreciated 10 USD

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Santa Clara Valley Historical Association has made ​​a video of Steve Jobs. The video tells about his life and his thoughts on Apple's secret of success will be sold only 9.99 U.S. dollars through a system of pay-per-view online. According to The Next Web, this video is the result of Walter Cronkite interview with Steve Jobs in 1994. This video was originally a part of the documentary film "Silicon Valley: A 100 Year Renaissance". But by the ...
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This is it, Most popular 2011 version of Google Search

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At the end 2011, the site search engine Google to make a list of most popular searches during 2011 called Google Zeitgeist 2011. Most searches are generally occupied by a newcomer singer Rebecca Black. Search the most, who finished second to ten include: Google +, Ryan Dunn, Casey Anthony, Battlefield 3, iPhone 5, Adele, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), Steve Jobs, and the last iPad 2. In the 2011 Zeitgeist, Google is also the largest search ...
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Cannibalism on Polar Bear is increased

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In addition to prey on seals, polar bears are also occasionally prey species or their own children. The behavior was not encountered before. However, based on the latest reports Jenny Ross, a photographer, in the journal Arctic this month, the behavior is more often encountered. Why? Ross explained that during the polar climate warms, some melting ice in the Svalbard archipelago and broken. For polar bears, as it is now difficult because it is ...
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Sea Elephants Wander up to 29,000 km

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Southern elephant seals (Mirounga Leonina) turned out to wander so far at the time of migration, up to 29,000 miles back and forth, aka New York to Sydney! It is known from research results Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) on the southern sea elephant named Jackson. WCS began a track record of Jackson's odyssey from December 2010 until November 2011. WCS is tagging Jackson in Admiralty Sound in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, and complete with satellite ...
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Arabian Prince buy three hundred million stock of twitter

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Saudi Prince Walid bin Talal, reported to have bought shares of Twitter. Purchase value is 300 million U.S. dollars or about Rp 2.7 trillion. "Our investment in Twitter strengthen our ability to identify opportunities to invest in promising business and has a high growth with a global impact," said Walid in a statement on its website the company, Kingdom Holding. Reported that the stock purchase agreement negotiations took several months. For ...
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Snow Festival and Ice Statue in Bruges,Belgium

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This is how the city of Bruges, Belgium welcomes winter, with snow festival, ice sculpturesand carvings of various Disney characters. Ice sculptures based on the caracters by Walt Disney are shown at the Snow and Ice Sculpture Festival on December 15, 2011 in Brugge, Belgium. ' SOU ...
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Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

3 Penyebab Utama Stres

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Aktivitas di rumah tangga yang tiada habisnya, pekerjaan menumpuk yang perlu segera di selesaikan merupakan hal-hal yang umumnya membuat orang merasa tertekan. Banyak hal di sekeliling kita yang bisa memicu kecemasan dan stres. Untuk mengetahui apa hal-hal yang merupakan biang keladi paling utama pada kondisi stres, para ilmuwan dari Institut Personalia dan Pembangunan melakukan sebuah penelitian. Mereka menemukan, stres adalah penyebab utama ...
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Bakal Calon Presiden AS Sebut Palestina Teroris

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Bakal calon Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) Newt Gingrich membuat sensasi dengan menyebutkan masyarakat Palestina adalah masyarakat yang dibuat-buat. Dirinya juga menyebutkan rakyat Palestina adalah teroris. Ucapan Ginggrich itu diutarakannya dalam sebuah kampanya yang dilakukannya di depan pendukung Partai Republik Minggu 11 Desember kemarin. Komentarnya itu menyerang langsung atas sensitifitas rakyat Palestina yang tengah berjuang mendapatkan ...
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10 Cara Mengasah Daya Ingat Anak

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Kemampuan  memori tiap anak berbeda dan tidak semata-mata ditentukan oleh faktor genetik. Pun ditentukan oleh rangsangan (stimulasi) dan pembentukan yang dimulai sejak dini. Peran orangtua sangat penting dalam proses pembentukannya. “Harus dilakukan secara kontinu!,” buka Septiana Runikasari, Psi. Berikut trik jitu dari Psikolog dari LPTUI ini: 1. Perhatikan asupan gizi Daya ingat merupakan bagian dari kognitif anak dan dipengaruhi oleh ...
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Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Korban Tewas Akibat Badai Washi di Filipina Mencapai 440 Orang

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Jumlah korban tewas akibat banjir bandang besar yang dipicu oleh badai Washi di Filipina terus bertambah. Palang Merah Filipina menyebutkan 440 orang dilaporkan tewas dan sekitar 200 orang lainnya masih hilang. Jumlah tersebut diperkirakan akan terus bertambah. Bahkan, dikhawatirkan sekitar 640 orang tewas dalam bencana alam terbesar di Filipina yang terjadi pada Jumat (16/12) malam tersebut. "Wilayah yang terkena banjir sangatlah luas dan saya ...
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Cegah Kejahatan, Ingat & Catat Nopol Angkot Sebelum Naik

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Kejahatan di dalam angkutan kota semakin marak. Belum lama ini Ros (40) dirampok dan diperkosa dalam angkot. Polda Metro Jaya meminta agar penumpang, khususnya wanita, lebih waspada dan memperhatikan pelat nomor angkot yang dinaikinya. TMC Polda Metro Jaya, Minggu (18/12/2011) menyatakan bila diperlukan nomor pelat nomor angkot tersebut dikirimkan melalui SMS kepada orang terdekat. Selain itu penumpang wanita juga harus memastikan nomor trayek ...
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Hiperhidrosis, Pemicu Keringat Berlebih

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Masalah keringat memang tak bisa dianggap sepele. Apalagi, jika tubuh memproduksi keringat secara berlebihan. Tangan dan kaki bisa basah keringat, padahal Anda tidak melakukan aktivitas fisik. Jika hal ini sering terjadi, bisa jadi Anda mengalami hiperhidrosis. "Hiperhidrosis primer adalah ketika Anda berkeringat berlebihan untuk kebutuhan fisiologis dan tidak berhubungan dengan masalah medis lainnya atau efek samping dari obat," kata Dee Anna ...
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Mobil Pribadi Harus Pertamax, Sudah Siapkah?

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Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), Fabby Tumiwa, mengingatkan kesiapan pemerintah terkait rencana membatasi kuota bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubisidi dengan cara melarang kendaraan pribadi menggunakan BBM premium per 1 April 2012. "Menurut saya ada rencana membatasi kuota BBM tahun depan ya boleh-boleh saja," ucap Fabby ketika dihubungi, Minggu (18/12/2011). Tetapi, ia memberi catatan, rencana pengalihan ...
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Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

President Obama Bans Children's to Use Social Networking

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Jejaring sosial mungkin diakses oleh 800 juta pengguna aktif setiap bulannya. Namun, Malia Obama dan Sasha Obama tidak termasuk dalam jumlah besar itu. Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama dan Ibu Negara Michelle Obama tidak membiarkan kedua anak perempuan mereka menggunakan jejaring sosial. Alasannya sederhana, "Mengapa kita butuh dan perlu tahu tentang banyak orang, padahal itu bukan urusan kita? Itu tidak masuk akal."   Malia saat ...
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5 Easy Tips to Healthy Living

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Hidup sehat ternyata tidak sulit. Tak perlu repot menghitung kalori atau memilah-milah makanan. Dengan cermat memilih warna bahan makanan, makan roti gandum dan makan makanan selingan bisa menjadi solusi hidup sehat. Coba saja cara-cara mudah lainnya!Terkadang banyak orang beranggapan hidup sehat itu repot. Memulai diet pun jadi hal yang berat karena sudah membayangkan apa saja makanan yang tidak boleh dimakan dan harus menyiapkan makanan yang ...
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Mourinho sympathize to Barcelona

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Pelatih Real Madrid Jose Mourinho mengaku prihatin atas cedera patah tibia (tulang kering) kiri yang dialami penyerang Barcelona, David Villa. Menurut dia, hal itu akan memengaruhi Barcelona. "Saya tahu betapa itu akan memengaruhi Barcelona. Cedera parah membuat saya prihatin, siapa pun pemainnya dan apa pun timnya. Saya sangat menyayangkan hal ini," ujar Mourinho. Villa mengalami cedera itu pada pertandingan semifinal Piala Dunia Antarklub ...
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10 Food Secrets You Need To Know

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Anda mungkin pernah mendengar fakta tentang makanan, tapi saya yakin rahasia dari 10 makanan kecil ini akan mengejutkan Anda!1. Apel – Sebutir apel setiap hari dapat membantu Anda untuk menurunkan berat badan! Apel kaya akan pektin, yang juga merupakan serat pelarut. Pektin akan mengurangi pelepasan gula, yang dapat membantu Anda untuk merasa kenyang lebih lama!2. Jagung – Kaya akan biotin, kernel kecil ini merangsang diproduksinya ...
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Duetto Food to be Super Nutrition

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Anda mungkin sudah tahu beberapa makanan yang mengandung nutrisi tinggi. Menurut Joy Bauer, seorang ahli gizi yang juga penulis buka 'Food Cures', beberapa makanan akan memiliki nutrisi super, jika dikonsumsi secara bersamaan. Ingin tahu apa saja makanan tersebut? Dilansir dari, berikut rumus nutrisi super yang bisa Anda ikuti. 1. Kalsium + Inulin = perut sehat dan tulang kuat Jika sering mengalami masalah perut, Anda harus ...
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Grand Theft Auto III Resmi Hadir di Android dan iOS

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Game Grand Theft Auto (GTA) telah memasuki usia 10 tahun. Dalam perayaan satu dekade itu, Rockstar  selaku pengembang game telah merilis aplikasi GTA III untuk iPad, iPhone, dan beberapa perangkat berbasis Android. Sistem kontrol game tersebut disesuaikan dengan perangkat touch sreen. Resolusi grafisnya pun sudah high definition (HD). Ini bisa terlihat jika pemain memperhatikan mobil dan rambu lalu-lintas di pinggir jalan. GTA III bisa ...
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Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Perang Irak Berakhir Hari Ini

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Perang Irak dinyatakan berakhir hari ini, Kamis (15/12/2011), ditandai dengan pernyataan penutupan misi militer pasukan Amerika Serikat di Irak oleh Menteri Pertahanan AS Leon Panetta. Penutupan misi ini dua minggu lebih cepat dari yang dijadwalkan. Panetta sudah berada di Baghdad, Irak, dalam perjalanan yang dirahasiakan sebelumnya untuk menghadiri upacara penutupan misi militer ini. Panetta akan menjadi tamu kehormatan dalam sebuah upacara ...
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