Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

10 Tricks for you to Learning Effective

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Some might believe that success in learning comes into its own. Nothing wrong with it, when there is success in his studies, but he did not look very hard effort. However, most students actually achieve success by developing and applying effective study habits? Well, 10 the following trick might be a guide for you who is looking for the best way of learning.

1. Do not try to impose learn in one session

Typically, successful students always take the time to study shorter and rarely impose studied thoroughly in one or two sessions. The key, learn to be consistent and do on a regular basis even in a short time.

2. Plan when you will learn

If you want to succeed in learning, draw up a schedule with specific times during the week. And try to be assertive with the schedule that you have created. Those who studied sporadically, usually do not perform as well as students who have set the time to study the discipline.

3. Learn at the same time

Not only is important to plan a schedule of when to learn, but, you also learn to be consistent with the routine of daily learning. When you learn at the same time every day and every week, then it will become a routine part of your life. Mentally and emotionally, you'll be better prepared during study sessions arrive and certainly more productive.

4. Each learning activity should have a specific purpose

Assuming a simple learning without a clear direction will not be effective. You need to know clearly what you need in every learning opportunity. Before starting to learn, set the goal of learning what you do. This will support the overall academic goals.

5. Never put off learning

It is very easy to cancel a general study sessions you had planned because it is not interested in the field of study, or you have other things to do, or because a given task is very difficult to do.

Students who had not been put off time to learn. If you do, your learning becomes ineffective and you will not get what it needs. The delay would also cause chaos and become the number one cause of failure.

6. Start with the most difficult lessons

Tasks or the hardest lesson will take some effort, mental, and the greatest energy. You should start with this. Once you can resolve the most serious task, it will be easier to finish the rest. Believe it or not, starting with the most difficult job will bring a huge increase for the effectiveness of study sessions and your academic performance.

7. Always review your notes before starting work on the task

Thing is for sure, before you can review the records you have, then you must have a note. Make sure that you always make a good record during the class. Before starting any study sessions and the main tasks to be completed, make sure you know how to do it correctly.

8. Make sure there is no interference during learning

Find a safe place to learn from the disorder. When you are distracted while learning then it would break the concentration and learning activities become ineffective.

9. Take advantage of study groups with effective

Ever heard the saying, "Two heads are better than one head". This saying may be true to be applied in learning activities. Learning in groups will bring a number of advantages, among others, get help from other students when you are struggling to understand a concept, complete tasks more quickly, and share knowledge with other students who will help them and yourself to internalize the problem. However, the study group will be ineffective when group members are not structured and minimal preparation.

10. Review notes, tasks, and other materials every weekend

Students who are successful are usually always reviewing what they learned during the week in every weekend. This will make them better prepared to continue learning new concepts in the next week.

Rest assured, when applying these tricks in learning will bring changes and a significant increase in the academic record and success of your studies. The key, do not despair!


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